Below is a link to your class's performance of Mozart's German Dance No. 3 "Sleigh Ride." Once you have listened to the track, provide 2 suggestions for improvement in the comment section below. You will need to include your name to receive credit.
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Concert Orchestra:
Elizabeth Petner- I think first violins should work on articulation and keeping up with the rest of the group. I also think at times it was hard to hear the second violins so maybe work on a better balance.
Catriona McIntyre- First violins need to work on staying on tempo throughout the eighth notes part that is in the first repeat section and second repeat section. The notes here start to blur together although it comes back together after this section. Also, the piano parts need to be quieter as to show a bigger difference with the forte parts.
Kate Dempsey - For the coda, I think the piano parts need to be quieter so that the forte parts sound stronger. During sections B and C toward the beginning, some of the pitches were still a little off because it still sounded like some people were not playing an F natural.
Catherine O'Connor- In the eighth note sections before and during rehearsal A the first violins need to adjust the tempo to keep up with the rest of the group. Additionally, the articulation could be improved. In the recording we listened to in class this was done by accenting the first note of each measure and by creating a big contrast between the slurs and staccato. In rehearsal B first violins could improve the intonation. Since F is natural, it sounded like the low 1 on the E string was making the intonation of C and B inconsistent.
Kai Zhou-Whenever the opening measures were played, it seemed like some of the cellos were playing different notes than others which made them sound separated rather than one unified section. I feel like the trio could have also been more unified in the violin sections with better intonation and more together rhythms, but overall, I think a lot has improved.
Sammy Lindell- I think we need to work on staying together, and playing in tune. The first and second violins have to play an F natural. At times, the first violins would speed up which caused everyone to follow them. We also need to pay attention to dynamics, so the change in dynamics can be heard.
I think we should focus more on intonation because we didn't hit all of the correct notes. Also, I think we should pay more attention to dynamics. They should stand out more.
Sophie Larizza
I think we should work on our timing an try to be more cohesive in our playing. I also think we should work on a contrast between the dynamics, making the piano quieter and the forte really loud and surprising.
Samantha Pensiero- I think we should work on our articulation and the timing could be better as well as some of the notes to nation could be better as well.
Katie Lane- I think that everyone needs to remember where to go more so that repeats sound strong and more confident, not weak and doubtful. I also think that we need more of a dynamic change at parts
Ashwini Patel- I think we should be better in playing together and have a greater change in dynamics
Jason Poon- I think there should be a bigger shift in dynamics at the D.C. al coda when going back to the beginning. We need to be more exact the coda, the timing was a bit off.
Olivia Taylor - I think the first violins have to stay more on tempo during the eighth note parts. i also think we have to make the all the notes in the beginning when we have to play three diffferent notes. It would sound really cool if we could get them all to sound the same. Also we need to work on the dynamics it sounds very monotoned. I think we can fix these mistakes if we all practice.
Caroline Krueger ~ I think the violins are falojg behind in part A and the end middle of part D . The cellos and violas could be a little quiter at parts C and D and let the violins shine more.
We as a group need to work on our dynamics, specifically during the first set of triple notes. Also, the first violins seem timid and a bit out of tune during the trio section
Anan Durango - The orchestra needs to be more synchronized at the beginning of the piece. The first violins were very messy in the sleigh ride part and not really together. We need to focus on playing together
I'd work on tonality, and sound. The higher strings-violins and violas- screach when they play the louder part, and whine when they're playing the softer middle part. Also be careful as the cellos were gravelly in some parts.
-Aria Muchhal
Thomas Finnegan-The very beginning was a bit out of tune. Violins sound off throughout most of the piece. Cello notes also are a bit sloppy and should be cleaner in parts.
Cassie Maroney - I think we need to work more on articulation and intonation for everyone. We need to try to be more cohesive as a group
At some points in the beginning the violins sounded mushy and blah. i think this could be fixed by making sure to follow the accents and playing with more articulation. We also need to make sure we watch the dynamics in the intro. The quiet parts need to be a little bit softer to contrast with the loud interruptions. This is also true in the coda.
Erica Blaze- I think the violas could work on being a little stronger during the chords in the beginning. The second time we were much louder and we should be that loud from the beginning. I also think we should work on being softer during parts C and D.
Violin 1s need to work on intonation a little bit and dynamics need to vary more for all instruments. (John Phipps)
Olivia Lash- I think we should work on dynamics and create a bigger difference between the piano and forte sections to help them stand out. I also think we should work on intonation because we didn't get all of the notes correct. We should pay attention to the key signature and find the sharps and naturals.
Mary McGovern- I think the first violins should work on our intonation during the trio.
I think that the cellos need to make their staccatos sharper, as the notes are dragging for just a bit longer than they should, which doesn't sound to great
I think we need better intonation with the violins during the trio and to stay in synch the whole time.
-Meghan Shaughnessy
Mackenzie Swift- I think we should work on our dynamic changes as a whole and stay loud when we go back to the beginning. I think the second violins should work on being quiet when we aren't playing the melody. I also think that we should work on staying on the right timing and not speeding up.
I think there should be an emphasized crescendo in the coda right before the bells part. I also think that we should have a greater contrast between the forte and the piano.
Maya Nalawade----- The violins needs some intonation help. Especially the slow parts where the violinists have the melody. It is very easy to pick out the wrong notes. Also, the dynamics were the same. More contrast needs to be heard, maybe if piano go extreme piano and if forte play extreme forte. This way the dynamics will be heard and won't be drowned out. Also at parts the tempo changed, especially the beginning. Overall it was good. -Maya Nalawade
The beginning was very powerful, but as we got towards the end we started getting lost a little. We also need to work on getting to the coda.
Anika Satish - The intonation should be worked on mostly in the first violin section, but also in each part. Also, the dynamics could be more exaggerated so that they are more obvious. In order for the piece to sound together, each part should keep the same tempo and pay attention to the other sections. This should help enhance the piece.
I think we can work on improving the contrast in dynamics between the fortes and pianos especially in the coda section.
We can work on improving the unity between the different parts in the opening slow section, and the first line, as they seemed just a little disjointed.
Jennifer Chen- I think we need to work on timing so it sounds strong, like the first violins in at the beginning we were kinda slow. And I also think we can work on the dynamics in parts like the coda.
Fiona Taney- I think overall the piece was very good. However there are still things that can be improved. For one the dynamics need to be improved. By focusing on this, our piece will sound much better with a sense of drama. Another thing we should work on is listening to one another. This will prevent sections from falling apart and we will sound great altogether. If we do these things our piece will be a hit!
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