October 15, 2015

For 9th Grade: Fairfield County String Festival

Each year, the Fairfield County String Teachers Association hosts a weekend festival to highlight the talents of our most accomplished students.  This year’s festival will be held April 1st and 2nd at Trumbull High School.  This is a great opportunity for motivated students to play with a high-level group and work with a master conductor.  If your child is interested in trying out, please follow the steps listed below:
  • All 9th graders must select a piece from the attached list and perform it in an audition on December 1st (Westport) or December 3rd (Wilton).
  • Students in any grade who wish to audition for the Honors group must choose an audition piece from the ones listed at the bottom of this email.  Students not accepted to Honors Orchestra will automatically be considered for the 8th and 9th grade Orchestra – you do not need a separate audition.
  • Students who are invited to participate in the Festival will get sheet music in January to practice independently.  They will rehearse with the festival orchestra Friday afternoon and all day Saturday and then perform Saturday afternoon.

To sign up – please click the link below to register for an audition time.  Please also send me an email letting me know what piece you’ll play.  


Mozart Concerto No. 3 - 1st mvt (no cadenza)
Vivaldi Four Seasons - Autumn - 1st mvt

Schubert Arpeggione - 1st mvt
Stamitz Concerto in D Major - 3rd mvt

Eccles Sonata - 1st and 2nd mvts
Popper Gavotte in D Major No. 2

Marcello Sonata in G Minor - 1st and 2nd mvts
Simandl Etude #20 from "Thirty Etudes"

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