May 20, 2011

Spring Concert Assessment

View the video of the Spring Awards Concert on the DHS website.

To comment on this performance, click on the comment button below. Your critique must include two positive comments and one constructive comment. You can discuss a section and issues within a particular section. Do not make general statements. Do not single any particular person out in your critique, no matter how attractive they look in their concert attire. Be sure to read through other people's comments and reply if you wish.

Worth 10 points in your performance grade.


Lindsay Tyler said...

Positive #1: I LOVED having all the music ensembles play together in a medley at the end. It was a really special performance. My parents commented how they love when we play songs that they know.
Negative #1: Wish we had more time to prepare for this, but it all worked out.

Positive #2: I know I'm not supposed to single anyone out, but a certain piano-playing guy did really well in his solo. :) The concert really showed how many various musical talents the kids in our school have.
Negative #2: I wish we had had more time to prepare for the Mozart Piano Concerto. I felt like we could have done a little better in the background. So, next year, dedicate a bit more time in class and at home to the Spring Concert.

Positive #3: Kashmir ROCKED. We were all very confident in this song.

I'm proud of how we sounded. I had a band friend come up to me and comment on how well EVERYONE, every ensemble, performed, and I agree!

Cecillia Lee said...

Positive= Great bow articulation during Kashmir. Everyone paid special attention to the accents and dynamics on their music which made the piece sound great!

Positive= The bowing in the Piano Concerto was impressive! For the most part all of the bows were going in the same direction.

Negative= during enchanted castle most people's eyes were glued to their music. for next time we should make an effort to look at the conductor more.

I can't believe this was my last orchestra concert!! it's been a great year!!!!

Emma H said...

I think we should've looked up at the conductor more during Enchanted Castle, especially since we've been playing that song for awhile and everyone knew it. The dynamics were good though.

For the concerto, I thought that the intonation could've been a little better, but I think that would've improved had we had more time to rehearse. Colin was great!

Kashmir sounded great. It was definitely my favorite song to perform.

Haley Rissolo said...

In enchanted castle the a few times the high notes sounded out of tune. i thought though we did well building tension in the piece and had some good dynamics. in the second piece there was times when it sounded like we were not together. i thought we had a overall nice crisp sound though. in Kashmir it was cool to see all the bows going in the same direction. i though we sounded very strong and like the actually song.

Nick Vilter said...

In enchanted castle we did a good job with cresendo's and decrecendo's. that makes the piece a lot more interesting. bowing directions looked good here too. a general note, we could all become a bit more brave when playing out because sometimes many people will wait on others to play a note before being confident enough to play it themselves. this issue came up in the mozart piece (also due to lack of time to practice it). especially at the end..we all sat on that note at the end of colin's long solo and we almost lost it all together. he did very well on his solo btw. kashmire sounded loud and proud and we ended on a good note. zach's piece sounded good..there were a few small loose ends but it sounded really cool with the band in the middle. a solid spring concert in my opinion.

Taiga Soejima said...

Enchanted Castle sounded awesome, as usual. Our bows were all going the same way and it looked very nice and professional, and you could definitely notice the dynamics when we suddenly got quiet, which was really cool.

The Concerto had some areas where we could improve, but I think it was great for the amount of preparation we had for it. It could have been more precise intonation and bowing wise, but oh well. The winds sounded wonderful for the meager amount of time they spent with us, and piano sounded amazing.

Kashmir and the medley were unsurprisingly well played, a very fitting conclusion to a great spring concert. Makes me wish I could do it again...almost.

Matthew Ross said...

In the Enchanted Castle, the dynamics were good, but we should focus on looking at the conductor more, especially since we have been practicing this piece for so long. In the Mozart Concerto, the piano solo was performed very well, and the orchestra played well, but it could have been tighter, especially towards the end. The wind/brass had a few out of tune notes towards the end. In Kashmir, we all sounded very good, everyone knew the notes, and played them with confidence. Finally, in our combined piece, it was amazing, we sounded great. I wish we had some more time to perfect it, but it still worked out well in the end. Overall, it was a great concert!

Molly Petner said...

-on the enchanted castle i felt that we it took us a few measures to actually get into the song and stay together... in the beginning we were either rushing or waiting, and we weren't together, however we came around and it sounded lovely

-for Mozart i feel like we should have practiced that a little more just because there were so many little things that i thing we needed to work on, dynamics, counting, and bowing etc.
Also, in mozart we are supposed to be light and bouncy on our strings and i think most sections did this except the second violins i felt could have been more lively
the orchestra did sound great and the piece came together nicely

Kashmir was amazing it was so strong and powerful it had great dynamics and our bowing was in sync.

This was a nice way to end the orchestra's performance and i think that we overall did a great job with this concert

Danielle said...

I agree with the majority in that we sounded confident and played Kashmir well. I also really enjoyed watching the finale again this certainly made the concert! I wish we had more time to practice the pieces in class as a group since this would have certainly improved our performance on the Mozart piece and the finale. But in general we sounded awesome!

Alice W said...

The dynamic differences were wonderfully clear in Enchanted Castle... the climax of the piece had a strong fortissimo that made it feel like we were all on a cloud, soaring with the melody on some enchanted castle, which was great.

The piano concerto had a nice balance overall volume-wise between the orchestra and the soloist, and most of the time, you could clearly hear the piano.

But, for the concerto, at least within the first violin section, the intonation, especially on the three-string chords and those high third-position "D"s, could have been a lot better. I agree with some people above that in the future we should definitely spend more time on the spring concert pieces.

Also the bowings were a bit confused in the concerto. I guess in that case we have to watch the section leader for whichever way s/he is bowing.

Shruthi Raghuraman said...

Enchanted castle seemed amazing in some places but amateur in others. Negative: In the beginning the orchestra could have been more unified. The starting note seemed scratchy.
Positive: However, the crescendo as the orchestra reached the high notes was really pretty.
Negative: Mozart Piano Concerto was not great but it could have been much worse than it was. All the violins came in on time but the notes that were followed by rests could have been more precise and in tune. However, the piano pulled the entire piece together. My parents loved the piece especially because of the piano.
Positive:Kashmir sounded awesome. My mom told me after the concert that Kashmir was her favorite song in the entire concert. The bowing was uniform, the violins kept up the tempo and everyone looked at the director on the end note.
All in all, great job guys. The orchestra put in a lot of work this year and it really paid off.

Jack Christensen said...

I thought we did a really good job emphasizing the dynamic changes in Enchanted Castle, especially the crescendos. Our bowingin Enchanted was also really precise and together.

I also felt that we did well in keeping the different parts in the Concerto proportionate-no section was overpowring another or dominating more than they should have. We also did well with articulation throughout the piece.

The medley at the end was great, but I felt the orchestra fell off in power as we got further into the piece-probably because of the lack of practice and trouble with counting.

Emily Armstrong said...

Negative: We had some issues with counting and looking up at the conductor, particularly during the beginning and middle bits of the enchanted castle.

Positive: The Mozart sounded really pleasant, which is awesome considering we only had a couple of weeks to learn it. We did a very good job at not overshadowing Colin and allowing him to really shine in his solo piece.

Positive: Kashmir sounded absolutely amazing, and we really exuded a ton of confidence. I think because we had so much fun with this piece, it made it sound even better.

Allison Wetteruaw said...

I thought that the concert went really well. I thought our dynamics were stronger at the heritage festival, but we didn't completely ruin the performance. Collin did a lovely job with the solo and i thought the band kids could have stepped it up a bit... but the orchestra did a nice job supporting him. Kashmir's beginning was KILLER we totally did all the dynamics. I thought the end could have been a bit more exciting- we lost steam a little but other than that- the crowd loved it!

Doug Phipps said...

Enchanted Castle - The part, at least for 2nd violins, was pretty simple, so we didn't need to have our eyes stuck to the music so much of the time. The dynamics in that song were very good though.

The bowing and intensity of Kashmir were excellent, and this piece in general was very well done.

Mozart's pieces are meant to be played short and concisely, and this wasn't a great example of that. Everything in that song needed to be sharper, while also being lighter.

Rebecca Liu said...

Negative: I counted maybe two or three people who actually looked up at the conductor when the camera was zoomed in. We have been playing Enchanted Castle for a while now; people should have been looking up at the conductor because everyone knew the notes.
Positive: I thought the dynamics were really emphasized and the bowing was spot on during Enchanted Castle. Good job to the orchestra; I can tell why we got first at the Heritage Festival.
Positive: Kashmir was awesome. Everyone knew the notes and bowing, and played with confidence. Having Mr. Andrade on drums was a nice touch to the song.

Nicole Germain said...

Positive 1: I thought that we sounded really nice in this spring concert. You could hear that we were all trying to pay close attention to dynamics in The Enchanted Castle and what I think sounded really good about that piece was the fermata at the end, we were all watching Miss Minnis, and we started it and ended it together, which was a nice touch to the wonderful piece.

Positive 2: I think that Kashmir was very strong and we all sounded like we knew the notes, and it was just a very crisp and precise performance

Negative: The only negative that I have is that I think that the the orchestra could have watched Miss Minnis a little more in the Mozart piece.

jeff gebauer said...

positives were definitely the articulations durring kashmir and that everyones bows were, for the most part, always going in the right directions. negatives were that there was some slight intonation problems durring enchanted castle. another major problem was after collins cadenza, even though the cellos were cued, only one came in at the right spot, ergo, people need to watch the conductor more carefully so they can play in the right spots. another positive were the dynamics in enchanted castle especially.  

Victoria C. said...

The dynamics throughout Enchanted Castle were beautiful and controlled. In the beginning of the piece, the first violin high notes were a bit out of tune, but they became much better during the second half.
The dynamics were fantastic during the concerto. We really emphasized the forte parts. Our intonation was very good throughout the piece. I'm surprised we were able to perform so well with very little time to practice this particular piece. What I did not like were the wind instruments in the background. They were out of tune or off beat every time they played.
Kashmir was a very strong performance. I think it was our strongest piece. I feel everyone was more immersed in this particular piece. I loved the loud dynamics throughout. Overall, we had a great concert.

Seanyyyyyyieeeeeeeee REEE said...

In Enchanted Castle, I enjoyed the contrast we had in our dynamics, which made the song seem amazing in the audience perspective. But it would have been great if people were looking up at the conductor from time to time, in order to keep and be on a steady beat, Without doing that, a delay in sound was heard.

In the Mozart Concerto, first time tackling a somewhat challenging piece as an orchestra, it sounded GREAT! The articulation was near perfect, making us seem like a true work of art. If only we listened to the pianist/soloist carefully and the conductor at the same time, we would be able to succeed better. OVerall, it did have that Mozart personality throughout the song, and Bravo to Collin!!! Outstanding job

Kashmir totally rocked!!! We all dug deep into our instruments to get that ROCk soul feeling, which made it sound unique compared to our other songs. I liked how the second violins knew where there melodies were and brought it out when at the right time. Overall melody stood out extraordinarily, almost like the original recording. The concert was a complete success and I'm happy to be part of this progressive string orchestra. So much various talent helps us stay on our toes and on the edge of our seats!!!!!! Rock Medley, OUT OF THIS WORLD< H**L YEAH!!!!!!!!>

Olivia Papic said...

Overall, I thought this was an amazing concert! It made a big impact as our last concert of the year. One area of improvement we could have worked on was our intonation in The Enchanted Castle. There were a few times where we sounded out of tune, especially during the high notes. Also, during The Enchanted Castle we looked kind of dead. Everybody's eyes were locked in place with their music. We should have payed for attention to the conductor. Other than that, our articulation was quite good for all pieces. Kashmir was GREAT! It had a lot of energy, and our intonation, articlation, and counting was spot on. We played perfectly together. I know everyone in the audience was impressed. My mom could not get over how good we were. Another successful year!!

Kristina said...

Positive: After the concert, the instant I met my mom and two sisters, they RAVED about how amazing Zach's finale piece was. My older sister commented on how she wished that we did things like that when she was in the orchestra.

Positive: Enchanted Castle was great! The dynamics and bowing were awesome and I'm glad we all worked hard on this piece for the Heritage Festival.

Constructive: I know that we had the Heritage Festival taking up a lot of our time, but I wish we had more time to practice our concert pieces too. Given more time to practice/rehearse, I think that we could have done a lot better, especially in the Concerto.

Yo, U-Saw-Me!!!!! said...

Positive: Enchanted Castle's dynamics sounded great. It definitely showed how much we prepared ourselves for the performances (including the Heritage Festival). This is a very hard piece because it's slow, and also has high notes, but I think we executed it well. The rhythm for this one section in the piece near the end was played with two eighth notes instead of a dotted eight and a sixteenth, but other than that, the rhythm sounded nice. Kashmir as well, had the nice, strong eighth notes that kept the song sounding like a real rock music. That sounded great.

Negative In the Mozart conerto, the orchestra was too loud that we were covering up Colin's wonderful solo. If we had more time, the intonations could have been much better and also would have sounded more. I don't know what the winds were doing in this piece but...overall, it sounded ok.

What I really enjoyed: THE ROCK PART IN THE END. WOW. THAT WAS AWESOME. I wish we can do more performances like that, with the band, chorus, and the orchestra. We could have worked a little bit more on the piece, but in general, I think everyone enjoyed it.

This performance was great, and I'm really sad that half the orchestra is graduating :( Good luck seniors! Thanks for an awesome and successful year!!

Adrienne Bean said...

Positive: Enchanted Castle had pretty dramatic dynamics, maybe people in the next town over heard them... ;]

Positive: The orchestra could have watched Ms. Minnis more in the Mozart concerto, then we could have had a sharper sound.

Constructive: Enchanted Castles intonation could have been improved, however we didn't have a lot of preparation time after the heritage festival so its

To single someone out, our soloist looked very attractive in his formal attire.

Victoria Eng said...

I really enjoyed the entire concert and I think we played pretty well overall. We rocked out on Kashmir and paid better attention to the dynamics than we ever have during Enchanted Castle. However, there is definitely room to improve dynamic-wise. Enchanted Castle not only sounded good, but looked good too. We could have looked up at the conductor more often though, we had enough time to do so. If we looked up more often at the conductor, we also would have stayed together.

I always love when we combine with the band, tudors, and concert choir, but I wish we had more time to rehearse with everyone.

Lexi Dodge said...

Positive: I thought the dynamics in Enchanted Castle and the bowings, particularly in Kashmir, were pretty good. I was also impressed with the Mozart piece, considering we didn't have that much time to practice it.
Negative: I think that the group, as a whole, needs to look at the conductor more often. This will help more with cues(which was mostly an issue in the Mozart piece) and appearing more engaged during the performance( everyone seemed a bit too focused on their music in the mozart piece and the cellos ended up missing an important cue).
Overall I thought it was a great concert that reflected all of the hard work we've put in this year!

Haley Miller said...

I liked how is all the songs all the range of sounds for the most part could be hear. The violins didn't over power the lower instruments, which were really able to be heard in during the melody of the Enchanted Castle especially.

Another good thing is that all there was no major stopping for page turns. There was no obvious stopping to flip the music and when the music was flip there was no major noise.

My critique is really minor, but in Kasmir, the double stop sections were always play too legato. After I listened to us, I listened to the recording by Led Zepplin and those sections were much shorter and crisper. What I think we needed was less bow and more rock!

Wen Cong Toh said...

Positive 1:Good dynamics in Enchanted Castle.

Positive 2: Good bow articulation in Kashmir.

Negative 1:The Mozart piano concerto could have been better both dynamics and intonation wise. But overall, it sounded good and Colin was fantastic. We could have used more prep time for this piece.

Negative 2:Like others have said, the orchestra should watch Ms. Minnis more as many people are just looking at the their music.

Positive3: The final piece with the band and chorus was brilliant. It was really fun to play with both the chorus and the band. We could have practiced more for it though.

Overall: Solid concert given the general lack of prep time.

Claire Linegar said...

I think all of the pieces sounded pretty amazing. The dynamics in Enchanted Castle were really good, and the bowing was all together. Kashmir and the last piece where we all played together sounded really epic. The concerto could have used more preparation time, but it was just as amazing as the other pieces and the solo was great.

Nicole Gagné said...

Enchanted Castle:
During Enchanted Castle I thought we did a great job bringing up the instruments together in the beginning, I thought we looked very together. Also, most of the time our bowing was together, which furthered our impressiveness. I also thought that we did a good job with the dynamics, especially at the end, we did a very good job with the decrescendo. My only issue was that I thought I heard a few intonation problems throughout the piece. In general, though, I thought it was very good sounding!

I thought the Mozart was fantastic. I thought that we once again did a good job staying together. I thought that the intonation, generally, was quite good. We also did a good job sticking with the Mozart-style playing of precise, short bows. We also did a great job with dynamics, especially making sure not to overpower the pianist. However, at times it was a little difficult to hear the wind players. I thought that this piece was wonderful, though!

Once again, I thought we did a great job with Kashmir. We were able to keep a good level of energy throughout the piece, and we sounded very rock n' roll! My only suggestion is that whenever a section that is not violin has a solo (such as the viola or cello) than the violins should try to be quieter, and the section with the solo should play as loudly as it can so that it is not overpowered by the violins. Other than that, I thought we had good intonation and we did a good job staying together. Great job!

I thought the concert went wonderfully. Everyone played really well and we sounded great. I think that the biggest things we need to work on is intonation and making sure that all sections can be heard when they have a solo. I think that we played beautifully and I would like to congratulate everyone (especially the seniors) on a job very well done!

Dorry Zhao said...

i'm not gonna lie, during the performance I didn't really like the medley.
BUT, when I actually heard it from the outside....
It was great.
Also, the Enchanted Castle was good- maybe a little out of tune in some places, but good sound.
In the Mozart, piano was good ('grats Collin), but the orchestra and instruments were not as good as they could've been. Pratice!
Kashmir- that one was great. everyone together, all the sound right.

altogether, GJ!

Anonymous said...

I thought he song that Zach Heyde made was really good and we played it well even though we had not practiced it very much. I wish we would have had more time to practice and make it perfect.
The Mozart piece sounded good because it was a good piece but we didn't really play it that well. We definitely could have worked on that one more.
Other pieces like Kashmir and Enchanted Castle sounded really good but I feel like we could have still played those well if we had spent less time on them and more on the mozart piece.
I feel like regular lessons instead of smart music or in addition to smart music would have helped to keep people improving and knowing what to practice.
Bobby Johnston

Michael Sawitsky said...

Positive #1: The Rock Medley was a lot of fun and sounded great. I thought it really tied together this years theme of rock and roll in the music department

Positive #2: I thought that the orchestra sounded better than we have in past concerts, perhaps this is because of the smart music assignments or the other preparation from the heritage festival.

Negative #1: Some bassists messed up the change from a B to a G in The Enchanted Castle. They changed too early.

Emily G said...

Positive #1: The dynamics for the Enchanted Castle were very solid. We had great crescendos and decrescendos.

Positive #2: We were very confident and strong in Kashmir. Every part was played out and we really had emotion in our playing.

Negative: The background was shaky for the piano concerto. Some people did not play the right notes and we played too loud during the solo parts so that it was hard to hear the piano player.

Anonymous said...

I really liked the excellent dynamics in the enchanted castle. It was superb. In the dance of the furies I felt like we rushed a little during the runs and yo plays too loud so no one can hear my beautiful playing. Overall it was good except for a little bit of rushing. I don't think it is that big of a deal but, Slow down Matty G!


Collin Shay said...

As a general comment, there needed to be more confidence. For example, we had all played Enchanted Castle hundreds of times before the concert, and done smart music with it, so there's no reason that it couldn't have been amazing. We still handled the dynamics well and the overall tone in Enchanted Castle has improved wonderfully, but if everyone had been confident to take their eyes away from the music it would have been a lot better.

The Mozart Piano Concert is an extremely difficult piece, and we didn't have much time to work on it. However, the outcome was a good reflection of how quick learners everyone in the orchestra is. There was a lot more that everyone could have done artistically - classical era articulation and phrasing is a tricky art to master but completely necessary for the make of a musician. That being said, the finished product showed an enjoyable performance.

Kashmir was a great success, I think mostly because of all the time we have spent on rock and roll this year. It just goes to show that the more time one spends on something the better the outcome.

Justin Lee said...

After viewing our performance, I was quite impressed by our sound and quality compared to past converts. Kashmir sounded amazing with a lot of emotion and beat to it.

Enchanted Castle sounded like we were unfamiliar with the music and were a bit timid on playing it. It started to improve throughout the song with a fantastic finish.

The Mozart Piano Concerto was well played but not to our best ability. I believe this was due to our lack of practice as well as our lack of time to prepare. But Colin saved the piece by offering a fantastic solo. The song itself was quite long though and have heard comments that it should have been shorter.

Anonymous said...

Brandon Hecq said...
i don't want to say anything bad about the concerto because it was Collin's favorite piece so i won't say anything bad. i thought it was pretty good, but not so amazingly awesome that the universe melted, my proof for this statement being that we still exist. A little bit more practice could have helped us a bit though.

for enchanted castle the long notes may have seemed easy but when a note is dragged out that long it may start to sound a little bit off, especially for the high notes, as it is difficult to keep them so perfectly smooth as a piece of velvet. also, because of how easy the piece is we could have looked at the conductor whenever we were playing one of those sections where everything goes super slow like in the matrix.

Kashmir was good.

during the medley the majority of the people weren't playing at any given time

i have run out of things to say but i want to make this post longer. to solve this dilemma i shall simply write about it. that also happens to be a solution. if only the rest of the world's problems were that easy to solve. one more thing, i am also using this to procrastinate on my other homework assignments as i have such an insane amount tonight. T_T

Steph Winsch said...

Positive: Our intonation in Enchanted Castle was great, it has really improved since the beginning of our time playing the piece. My other positive comment is that we had fantastic bowing for Kashmir and we did a great job overall playing the piece considering how little time we had with it.
Constructive: I think we could have been a little louder during the combined piece with the band.

Sydney Schildnecht said...

Kashmir was so strong! I was proud of how into it we all were; it was definitely a fun piece. I wish we had been as confident with the Enchanted Castle, as we have played it so many times, but our dynamics were still pretty solid. In the concierto I feel the orchestra was good considering how little time we had to prepare (the exceptions being Collin, who was amazing, and the band, who could have been stronger). Our final, all-together piece was so exciting and fun, as well... I just wish we'd practiced it a little more. We winged it, basically, but it did turn out well in the end.
I'm going to miss this, guys! Good luck next year :)

Marin Amyotte said...

Positive 1: Kashmir had great bowing and a lot of emotion. I told the cellos that if they're not breaking 7 bow strings they weren't doing it correctly. Before we started i turned to them and mouthed the word "seven" and i think they took it seriously.

Positive 2: We were able to pull together the Mozart Concerto fairly quickly and it sounded great. It was one of my favorite pieces we've played in orchestra. We got the dynamics down pretty well which is tricky with mozart. The notes are often easy, but the dynamics and specific phrasing is key.

Negative 1: It was hard to hear the orchestra in the final combined piece. Zach worked so hard giving each part interesting lines like when the cellos slide up and down at the end during "take me out" but unless you were really listening for it we were covered by the chorus and not miked.

Katie Critelli said...

-In Kashmir, there should be more accents and even more dramatic force to let the audience know the melody; during the show, the background playing and the melody were about the same volume. The melody needs accents because there are a lot of repeated notes, and otherwise, they are indistinguishable from one another.
-In Collin's Mozart piece, the students did a great job of balancing their playing with the Collins; the piano was the spotlight, but all of the work the orchestra put in was audible too
-The bowing and togetherness were very good on all of the pieces, the orchestra played like a team.

Oscar Barbour said...

1. Kashmir sounded very loud and strong. The bows were very synchronized, and everyone looked almost regal as they played. The sound was immense and the melodies were not squeaky at all.

2. When everyone played at the end, it sounded magnificent. The violas blended well with the saxophones in superstition, and the correct instrument was used for each part. Though one qualm I have is that hotel california sounded too much like a carnival. It did not have the right instruments to play the melody

3. One negative thing was the piano concerto. We sounded okay, but the main problem was the confidence level was not high enough so people could play more powerfully. Also, it sounded disorganized and the cellos were louder than the violins when the violins had the melody. Collin did a spectacular job, though.

Owen Brannigan said...

Positive 1- I loved our accents in Kashmir and really felt like this was our strongest piece. It also had good dynamics and I thought we did great overall.
Positive 2-I thought the Mozart Concerto was very good considering we only had a couple days to work on it. I was worrying our notes would be off, but we were right on key and did great.
Negative 1-I thought Enchanted Castle could have been better considering we've had it for months. A little more confidence in our playing was necessary.
Negative 2- The medley although very fun and intense, was kind of muddy and at parts it was hard to hear every individual part. It was still a great piece by Zach, but i thought we could have been more unified in our sound.
Overall great concert, Collin great job on the piano.
Also I did this before, but it didn't send through.
See you at the Final
Love your favorite bassist.
Owen Brannigan

Olivia W. said...

I loved playing the Mozart Piano Concerto I think we did really well with that one in intonation but could have possibly done better with the bowing and making sure we weren't too loud in order not to cover up the amazing piano solo!

During the Enchanted Castle I think we did really well with the bowing and looking up at the conductor at important parts but there were a few moments where the intonation wasn't as good as it could have been!

Overall I thought we performed really well and sounded even better and more comfortable as a group than the winter concert!!

Natalie Nelson said...

Positive: I think Kashmir was definitely our best piece because everyone seemed to get into it, and you can tell because the notes were accented pretty well.
Negative: I think we played Enchanted Castle better at the Heritage Festival. The transition between piano and forte was alright, but at some points the first violins seemed to be out of tune when reaching high notes.
Positive: Considering the little amount of time we had to prepare for the Piano Concierto, I think overall it came together pretty nicely. For the most part the orchestra was in tune and in sync with each other.

Tristan Ersek said...

I think overall the concert was pretty decent for the most part we were together. Our bowing was great, however that is because a majority of us wouldn't stop looking at their music. During Enchanted Castle i thought that we did a good job off crescendo's and decrecendo's. Great final concert overall Zach's piece was amazing. Mish'as singing on Dream on was amazing.

Chris said...

Kashmir was way more awesome/incredible than I thought it would be. The confidence level and people's understanding of the song was high, and that made it one of the more notable pieces of the concert in my opinion.

Despite all the practice on Glass Castle and the great performance at the heritage festival, I think that much of the emotion was gone in this performance. The consistency wasn't there, and it simply did not sound that great, and i even saw some bowing errors.

the Piano Concerto was perhaps my favorite and one of the best pieces we have ever played. Despite the smaller window for preparation than normal, the enthusiasm for the song made it sound great in concert, not to mention a fantastic piano player.

I think there needs to be more emphasis on making sure everyone knows how a song is supposed to sound. Reading the notes is never enough. I think next year, every time we start a new song we should either hear it once and analyze what its tone and sound are like, or briefly investigate it. For example, going into Mozart, everyone should know that it is going to be a crisp, fast, and quiet song. Glass castle should be emotional, smooth, endearing etc.

I think the use of such fantastic pieces really encouraged people to learn them well. Overall one of the best school performances i have seen or heard.