January 14, 2016

Mid-term Exam Study Sheet

Period 1 Exam is on Friday, January 15 at 8:00 a.m.

Performance of Shenandoah on SmartMusic (due by 1/21/16) – 25 points.

What is the story behind the Ukrainian Bell Carol?
Although “Carol of the Bells” has become a popular tune during the holidays, the original lyrics had nothing to do with Christmas.  The song's four-note melody was originally a Ukranian folk song written as a “winter well-wishing song,” called “Shchedryk.” The song tells the tale of a swallow flying into a household to proclaim the plentiful year that the family will have. 
What three melodies appear in A Charlie Brown Christmas?  Who wrote them?
Vince Guaraldi wrote "Linus and Lucy" and "Christmas Time is Here."  He arranged "O Tannenbaum as a jazzy melody.
Who wrote Sleigh Ride and for whom was it written?
Leroy Anderson wrote Sleigh Ride for the Boston Symphony Orchestra's Boston Pops.

Understand the order of the sharps (F#, C#, G#, D#, A#, E#, B#) and the associated keys (C Major, G Major, D Major, A Major, E Major, B Major, F# Major and C# Major ).

Understand time signatures.  The top note is how many beats are in a measure.  The bottom number identifies the type of note that gets the beat.

What do each of these terms mean: 
tremolo: a rapid back and forth movement of the bow on the same note (from the word trembling)
col legno: played with the bow stick
enharmonic: two notes that have different names but sound the same (F# and Gb or A# and Bb)
tuttiall play (as opposed to solo)
What is swing style?  How is the 8th note pattern played in this style?
Notes are played unevenly.  Eighth notes are played with the first note being longer than the second, almost as a dotted pattern.
What is A-B-A form?
The first and third part of a composition are the same.  The middle section is different. 
What is the tonic or key note?
The main note of the scale.  In G major, the tonic or key note is G.


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