May 2, 2011

Name Composition: part 1

Due: May 4, 2011, Period 4 (9:22 a.m.)

*Create a MOTIF using your name. Use the chart to substitute letters of the musical alphabet with the letters in your name. Only use the first four letters of your name.

*Enter your four letters as quarter notes in the first measure of your music.
*Enter your four notes in reverse order (backwards) in the second measure of music. This is called RETROGRADE.
*In measures 3 & 4, enter the same notes as measures 1 & 2, but place them all a step higher on the staff. This is called a SEQUENCE.
*In measures 5 & 6, enter the same notes as in measures 3 & 4. In measures 7 & 8, enter the same notes as in measures 1 & 2. This is called REPETITION.

Your composition will be 8 measures long. It must be written in Finale Notepad or other music notation software. Print your composition and hand in on Wednesday.

Evaluation Rubric:
A: All pitches have been entered correctly on the staff. Retrograde, sequence and repetition have been done with accuracy. You needed no assistance to complete this assignment.
B: Most pitches were entered correctly on the staff. Retrograde, sequence and repetition have been done with accuracy. You needed minimal assistance to complete this assignment.
C: Some pitches were not entered correctly on the staff. Retrograde, sequence and repetition have been done with some difficulty. You needed frequent assistance to complete this assignment.
D: Many pitches are not accurate and have been entered incorrectly on the staff. Retrograde, sequence and repetition have been done with difficulty. You needed frequent assistance to complete this assignment.
F: Incomplete

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