January 14, 2011

More midterm review

Here is an overview of what will be on the test:
  • Listening: This will include knowing what instruments are playing, knowing the tempo of the piece and being able to interpret lyrics. You will also need to know how to discuss the piece critically, using terms such as tempo, dynamics, rhythm.
  • Music Theory: You will find examples from the worksheets you completed in class. In addition, you will need to know how to write out scales, both sharps and flats. Also, two scales will be given to you without key signatures and you will have to write the corrects ones in.
  • Performance knowledge: Know the composers and histories behind the pieces we played at the concert.
  • Composition: There will be a short melody to compose using certain instructions. You will need to know time signatures, key signatures and note values for this portion.

You MUST bring your PHONE composition to class on Tuesday. Compositions will not be accepted after the exam time.

Remember to read all directions before starting the exam. Each question will be worth 2 points unless otherwise noted.

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