January 6, 2011

Midterm Take Home Composition

♫ Assign a note name to each digit of your phone number. The ascending numbers 1-9 are equivalent to the ascending notes in the C scale, ranging from C up to D.

♫ As you can see, the number 8 is equivalent to the octave.

♫ Every "0" in a phone number can be assigned any letter name and can be considered a "free choice." You can choose to insert the note you think sounds best and fits most appropriately with the rest of the melody.

The final composition will be in A-B-A form.

♫ Use the original 7-note composition as the A section of your piece. You may add notes in order to create a musical resolution. You cannot remove notes. This section should be a minimum of 3 measures.

♫ Write a B section to CONTRAST the A section. This section will be a minimum of 7 notes and a minimum of 3 measures.

♫ End the piece with the original A section, which can be modified slightly to resolve. This section will be a minimum of 3 measures.

There is no correct time signature or key signature, but you must use both. Determine the best rhythm based upon how the notes fit together.

Your melody must be written using Finale Notepad and printed out. Five points will be deducted if it is hand-written.

Is your piece in A B A form? (4 points)
Is your piece a minimum of 21 notes? (4 points)
Did you use the correct corresponding notes for the A section? (4 points)
Did you write your melody in the time signature you chose, using the correct rhythms? (4 points)
Did you choose a key signature that is appropriate for the notes used? (4 points)

DUE: At the beginning of the Orchestra EXAM period. Compositions handed in after the exam period will receive no credit.

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