October 20, 2010

C-Day Composition Homework

This is a two-part assignment. Use Finale Notepad to complete the compositions.

1. Write a D MINOR (natural) scale. It should have the correct KEY SIGNATURE and be written with quarter notes in 4/4.

2. Write an 8-measure composition in D MINOR. Be sure to follow these guidelines:
  • Write the piece in your clef.
  • Start on D.
  • End on A - D which is a PERFECT or AUTHENTIC cadence.
  • Use a combination of quarter and eighth notes.
  • It can be in any TIME SIGNATURE with at least 3 beats in a measure. Compositions that use 6/8 will be given 2 points extra credit.
  • This piece should have a spooky feel to it. Title it appropriately.

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