September 27, 2010

Composition homework

DUE: Wednesday, September 29 (E day)

1. Complete the worksheet that was handed out today and is also attached to this email.

2. Write out this piece in Finale Notepad using Theme & Variations form.

D D A A B B A (rest) G G F F E E D (rest)
A A G G F F E (rest) A A G G F F E (rest)
D D A A B B A (rest) G G F F E E D (rest)
Theme---using quarter notes
Variation 1: Diminution---all notes are now 16ths
Variation 2: Augmentation---all notes are now half notes
Variation 3: Retrograde---start the piece at the end and go backwards
BONUS: Title the piece correctly.
BONUS: On variation 3, add ornamentation (do only if you understand what that means)

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