January 15, 2009

A Mozart Melody Quartet (Take Home exam)

This is the take home part of your mid-term exam. It will be worth 20 points. It is due at the exam. If you are present for the exam, this composition will NOT be accepted later in the day.

1. The main melody for this composition is Twinkle, Twinkle in D Major. This melody line can be played by one instrument, or it can be traded off among the instruments. It is 12 measures.
2. Part 4 will be the bass line or cello line.
3. The harmony voices will be written using the chord tones of D (D, F#, A), G (G, B, D) and A (A, C#, E).
4. In the harmony voices, follow these rules
  • Start on D.
  • End on a D chord tone.
  • Use only the chord tones indicated in #3. You can having passing tones.
  • Work only in one octave. Use a combination of skips and steps.
  • Use any note value except whole notes.

5. After you have completed the THEME, you will need to write a variation on that theme. Variations in rhythm, tempo, and melodic line are acceptable. This part will be called the VARIATION. It will be twelve measures or more.

6. After the VARIATION, return to the THEME briefly to provide a short ending.

7. Title this piece appropriately, reflecting music aspects found in your cmposition. Be sure to label the two sections---THEME and VARIATION---using the text tool.

You must turn this in in TWO WAYS.
1. Print out your composition to turn in to me at the exam.

2. Save this as a MIDI file (File > Save As > .mid) and e-mail it to me at DarienOrchestra@aol.com. This is due before the exam.

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